Marble Blast Zero

"Legend has it that this mod is still haunting the souls of the people who played it", - IsrealRD, 2003.I was on the forums, looking around the Mods section and I saw a mod called "Marble Blast Zero", so I read the comments of the mod, saying it was the best mod ever for it's time. It had 10 levels, and they are amazing, and the levels were named "Level" and the level number. The thing is, the sixth level was "Level 666" and not "Level 6". The level picture was static. So I played it anyways, and I got very disturbing images. I had night terrors for months. It had a disturbing sky, creepy textures and jump scares all over. The creepiest part was the music, a slowed down, reversed, and distorted version of "Flanked" from MBP. It had random whispering, high pitched noises and much more. When you beat the mod, it deletes the game from your hard disk. The link was active for only 3 days, and the mod caused amnesia, night terrors and suicide. The mod is said to still haunt the forums to this day.